Constitution Day

Posted on 3:37 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

Apparently it is Constitution Day 
One of the student organizations made this display for the lobby.

Fast Facts on the Constitution

  1. The U.S. Constitution was written in the same Pennsylvania State House where the Declaration of Independence was signed and where George Washington received his commission as Commander of the Continental Army.
  2. Written in 1787, the Constitution was signed on September 17th.
  3. The U.S. Constitution was prepared in secret, behind locked doors that were guarded by sentries.
  4. Some of the original framers and many delegates in the state ratifying conventions were very troubled that the original Constitution lacked a bill of rights.
  5. Of the 55 delegates attending the Constitutional Convention, 39 signed and 3 delegates dissented.
  6. Of the written national constitutions, the U.S. Constitution is the oldest and shortest.
           ~ National Constitution Center


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