30 day challenge day 9

Posted on 6:53 PM by jr cline | 0 comments


Day 9- a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
My parents are the people who got me through the most.  For 57 years they were always there if I ever needed help.  It is odd that they 'don't have my back' any more.  Most the time I feel like I'm out here in the world and if something happens or I need help, I'm on my own.
I've posted a version of this picture before. This one is different.  I left the dust on the glass because they are gone and their memory ever so slowly fades.  If you look closely you  can make out my reflection (something I normally wouldn't tolerate in a shot),.  I'm there for a reason, my very existence is a reflection of the two of them.

Please drop by and see POETIC_ISIS's entries.


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